Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cyann Mills                                                                                                                          09/16/14
ELA Reading Response                                                                                                         711

              One book that I read over the summer was the book "The Giver". In the beginning
of the book there was a boy named Jonas, Jonas lives in a perfect world there is no bad weather nor good weather there is no color, music, or feelings. There is no religious, beliefs, mistakes,     etc.               In his community the ceremony of 12 is coming up and soon, and Jonas has never known what he wanted to be. Even though your job is chosen by the counsel most of the girls and boys in the community already  know what they are most likely going to be, but not Jonas he was different.                                      
               One day he and his bestfriend Asher were  throwing   an apple around  and Jonas noticed something odd about it the shape nor the object changed it just changed .Jonas was both stunned and curious.
               Soon after, the ceremony of 12 was here and Jonas was already nervous finally they got to his number and missed it! They forgot to pronounce his number! all of the members of the community were shocked that a member of the consul could make such a mistake. Finally at the end they pronounced his number . "I know that you all think I made a mistake but Jonas is our one special child that we choose every few decades you all know that we failed our last selection but Jonas is our new receiver . On the first day of Jonas training the giver gave him his fist memory. At home his dad took care of a new baby named Gabriel from the nursery. Jonas new that Gabriel was not able to sleep normally  so  soon or later the baby was going to have to be exiled from the community. So Jonas decided to take matters into his own hands and decided to transfer memories and  it worked             In end Jonas wanted a better life away from his perfect community so he decided to run away, but as soon as he say little Gabriel he knew he had to take him with him . 

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